Beeld & geluid
Kijk en luister
Optreden Popkorenfestival, 29 juni 2024
foto’s Rinus Ribbens
Optreden Popclash, 30 maart 2024
1. Monastery Pictures
2. Goin’ to the dance
3. One – a chorus line
4. Aquarius
5. This is me
6. Rollercoaster
7. Anyplace, anywhere, anytime
8. waves
9. Bohemian Rhapsody
10. Notenkrakersuite – Marche
11. Notenkrakersuite – Danse Arabe
12. Notenkrakersuite – Danse Russe Trépak
13. More Favorite Aria’s
14. The Merry Widow
15. Rescue
16. We belong to the night
17. Space Medley
18. Let the sunshine
19. The show
20. The show – reprise
Geluidsopnames optreden bij Rotjekoor 2023

Eleanor Rigby

anyplace, anytime, anywhere


let the sun shine
